The General Court rules that the name of the town of Devin can be a word mark for bottled water

The General Court of the EU rendered a decision, stating that the name of a Bulgarian town can be registered as a word trademark for indicating bottled water that originates from it.

DEVIN EAD is a leading Bulgarian producer of bottled water and has been on the local market for over 20 years. Its main product – mineral water in both natural and sparkling variety have always been branded with the trademark DEVIN. The company holds a number of national registrations in Bulgaria, i...


20-year case finally coming to a successful conclusion

A case for invalidation of a trademark that has begun a full 20 years ago has finally come to it conclusion this year, following a final decision of the Supreme Administrative Court that finally ruled in favor of the Pavlov & Co. client and has declared the decision of the BPO to cancel its trademark registration for the trademark “IDEALEN DOM” (“Ideal Home”) invalid. After a lengthy court case that has been suspended several times and went up and down through the...


Epay vs Ipay – lengthy unfair competition dispute finally resolved by the court

After a long dispute, the Supreme Administrative Court has rendered the final decision in an unfair competition matter, brought up by Epay AD – the operator of the extremely famous electronic payment system ePay (represented by Pavlov & Co), hosted at the domain (both ePay and being registered trademarks). The case was started back in 2012, after Intercard Finance LTD – a local affiliate of Ipay International S.A. – a Luxemburg based company launched serv...